Friday, September 20, 2024

Maritime Compact - Part 3 - Locations and Foreign Relations

Locations of Note


  • Strategic Importance: As the capital of the Maritime Compact, Halifax remains the central hub for naval operations. Its deep natural harbor and strategic position on the Atlantic coast make it essential for defending the Compact and controlling access to the North Atlantic. Halifax is the primary base for the Compact's naval fleet, ensuring dominance over maritime routes.
  • Economic and Cultural Role: Halifax continues to be the economic heart of the Compact, with its shipyards and military academies playing crucial roles in the region’s defense and technological advancement. The city also serves as a cultural beacon, preserving the maritime traditions and fostering a strong sense of unity among the Compact’s inhabitants.


  • Strategic Importance: Situated on Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown’s strategic value lies in its control over the Northumberland Strait and its proximity to the mainland. The city’s naval outposts and coastal defenses are vital for securing the strait, which is a crucial passage for both military and civilian vessels within the Compact.
  • Economic and Cultural Role: Charlottetown is a major agricultural center, providing essential food supplies for the Compact. Its rich farmlands and strong fishing industry make it a cornerstone of the Compact's economy. The city also serves as a political hub, with a focus on governance and inter-island coordination within the Compact.


  • Strategic Importance: Located on Cape Breton Island, Sydney remains a key military and naval outpost for the Compact, overseeing the Cabot Strait. Its strategic position is crucial for controlling the entrance to the Gulf of St. Lawrence, ensuring the safety of maritime routes leading into the heart of the Compact’s territory.
  • Economic and Cultural Role: Sydney is a center for resource extraction, particularly coal and other minerals needed for the Compact’s industries. Its shipbuilding and repair facilities are vital for maintaining the Compact’s naval strength. Sydney is also known for its cultural diversity, blending traditions from various communities within the Compact.

Anticosti City

  • Strategic Importance: As the capital of the Anticosti Dominion, Anticosti City is critical for the defense of the eastern approaches to the St. Lawrence River. The city's fortifications and naval installations protect this vital waterway from any potential threats, ensuring the security of the Compact’s inland territories.
  • Economic and Cultural Role: Anticosti City is an important port and trading hub, facilitating the movement of goods between the Maritime Compact and the broader Atlantic region. The city is also a center for maritime research and exploration, with a focus on harnessing the resources of the surrounding seas. Culturally, Anticosti City plays a key role in maintaining the identity and heritage of the Anticosti Dominion within the Compact.

Saint John

  • Strategic Importance: Saint John, located in New Brunswick, is a key port city for the Maritime Compact, overseeing the Bay of Fundy. Its strategic location makes it vital for controlling access to the interior waterways and protecting the southern approaches to the Compact’s territory.
  • Economic and Cultural Role: Saint John is a major industrial and logistics hub, with its port facilities handling a significant portion of the Compact's trade. The city is also known for its shipbuilding industry and its role in energy production, particularly from renewable sources like tidal power. Saint John’s cultural heritage is deeply rooted in its maritime history, making it a symbol of resilience and innovation within the Compact.

Foreign Relations and Potential Threats

The Moundlands

The Moundlands, dominated by the necromantic influence of the Fallen Lords, loom as a dark memory in the history of the Rock. During the Necromantic Wars, the armies of the Fallen Lords, particularly Wendigo and Uktena, invaded the lands of the Rock, leaving an indelible mark on its people and landscape. The horrors unleashed by these undead forces served as a catalyst for the formation of the Maritime Compact, a federation created out of necessity for self-defense against the looming necromantic threat. Though the Moundlands are now a distant and shrinking menace, the memory of their invasion lingers, keeping the Rock vigilant. The current relationship is one of wary observation, with occasional skirmishes against rogue Corpsemen, and a shared history of struggle that binds the Compact’s people in a collective defense.

République de la Nuit

The République de la Nuit, a shadowy and enigmatic nation of vampires, lies to the west of the Maritime Compact. They remain a potential threat due to their hidden numbers and advanced, though secretive, civilization. The Compact's inhabitants remain largely unaware of the République's true scale and technological prowess, a deliberate strategy by the vampires to avoid detection and potential conflict. The vampires of the République de la Nuit played a subtle yet crucial role during the Necromantic Wars, infiltrating and subverting the forces of the Fallen Lords from within. Relations between the two regions are marked by an uneasy tension; while the vampires prefer to remain in the shadows, the Compact’s leaders are ever cautious of the possibility that this hidden empire could become a significant threat if provoked. The current stance is one of watchfulness and cautious diplomacy, with no direct conflicts but a persistent undercurrent of mistrust.

The Rock

The relationship between the Rock and the Maritime Compact is characterized by mutual respect mixed with simmering tension. During the Necromantic Wars, the Rock emerged from isolation to aid the alliance of the living, playing a crucial role in defeating the Fallen Lords. However, their late intervention, while pivotal, came with a heavy cost for the Maritime Compact, which was forced to cede half of its fishing rights and territorial waters to the Rock as part of the post-war settlement. This has created a cold war-like atmosphere between the two powers, with the Maritime Compact resentful of its territorial losses but wary of the Rock's formidable magical capabilities.


The Maritime Compact remains wary of the Democratic People's Potomac (DPP), a powerful and expansionist neighbor to the south, believing that conflict is inevitable. The DPP claims territory from the ruins of New York City and Long Island, known as the Junkyard, down to Albemarle Sound, with its western borders pushing into the Moundlands and Appalachian Mountains. The DPP's history is shrouded in fragmented facts and state-sanctioned myths, centered around the vision of its founder, who led the nation through a rebuilding phase following the Revelations. The trauma of the Necromantic Wars, which decimated a third of their population, has fueled the DPP's xenophobia and fear of magic, deeply ingrained in their political mindset through the teachings of "John's Way." Despite this insular and suspicious outlook, some within the DPP recognize the need to engage with the wider world and repay their debts to former allies, though the tension with the Maritime Compact remains a pressing concern.

The Fiend Marches

The Maritime Compact maintains a wary and tense relationship with the Fiend Marches, a collection of demon-ruled city-states that span much of the former California, Nevada, and southern Oregon. While the Marches are not in close enough proximity to the Compact for direct military conflict, the occasional appearance of Desecrators—capitalist techno-demons who wield mastery over Faustian mechanics—within the Compact's borders poses a significant threat. These demons are known to incite chaos and tempt individuals into making disastrous bargains, a tactic that sows discord and undermines the Compact's stability.

Desecrator Footholds in the Compact

The Harbor of Lost Souls:

A notorious black market hub located on a remote island in the northern waters of the Compact. This lawless area is known for trading in illicit goods, including dangerous magical artifacts and forbidden knowledge. The Desecrators exploit this market to establish a covert presence, using it as a base to corrupt and manipulate key figures within the Compact.

The Shadows of Old Halifax:

Beneath the bustling city of New Halifax lies a forgotten network of tunnels and catacombs, remnants of the old world. These hidden passages have become a haven for smugglers and other unsavory elements. A Desecrator could infiltrate this underworld, using its connections to spread influence and stir unrest, all while remaining hidden from the Compact's authorities.

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