By C.N. Constantin
Mutate Animals are common enough. Often called Mutanimals, these are mutants that have either animals mutated into a humanoid form, or are a conventional race that has taken animal characteristics.
A .pdf version is available here.
· All mutant animals are already considered to have the Mutate template from the DRev Book of Adventure, though with some modifications. Suggested ability, save and skills modifications required by the Mutate template are supplied under each mutant animal section, though you may use and alter these changes within the normal rules of the template.
· Mutant Animals will have second creature type of Animal instead the Aberration creature type normally gained through the Mutate Template.
· Like the Mutate template, mutant animal characters may use feat slots to take racial talents.
· Most categories are based on similar features, rather then biology.
· Most categories are based on similar features, rather then biology.
Roll on the following table to determine which Mutanimal the character has become.
Base Critter
Amphibinate - Froggie
Amphibian/Frog or Toad
Amphibinate - Salamander
Bird/Flying Bird of Prey
Bird/Ground Dweller
Bird/Flying Herbivore
Mammal/Caprinae (Goat/Sheep)
Serpenate (Constrictor)
Reptile/Snake (Constrictor)
Serpenate (Venomous)
Reptile/Snake (Venomous)
Note: check out The Mutant Solution for more conjecture about mutants
If an animal the mutanimal is based on starts with four legs, they can start with the following changes to show they are a centaur of some sort:
· You have the lower torso of four legs instead of two, and take on the form of something akin to a centaur.
· Your base speed is 40 feet.
· Your speed may change based on your size, see the Growing and Shrinking racial talent trees for details.
· Your lifting and carrying capacity is measured as a quadruped for your size.
· You gain a +2 bonus to your CMD against Bullrush/Overrun attempts.
· You are at -2 to any escape artist (Acrobatics) checks.
· You may not ride a mount. You may not drive vehicles, unless somehow specifically designed for you.
· Your personal character weight is 50% is greater than normal.
· You are considered non-humanoid for the purposes of wearing Armor.
· You can still only gain benefit from one boot slot item.
· You gain access to the Quad-Legs Augmentation talent tree later in this book.
Old Talent Notes:
Natural Weapons: Some examples of natural weapons include: Bite, horns, claws, knuckle hooves or spines that can be used as a weapon.
Underwater (See Dark Revelations – Book of Adventure): Many of the Mutanimals have aquatic features and they can take talents from this tree to reflect this.
New Talents
Misc Talents
Burrow (Ex)
Prerequisite: Rodent and weasel based Mutanimals
Benefit: The creature moves underground. Burrow has the following rules:
· While underground at 10 or more feet the creature has full cover and normal attacks and effects cannot target or hit the creature.
· The creature must emerge from the ground to attack targets, those targets otherwise has full cover against the creature. This will provoke attacks of opportunity when the creature first emerges from the ground.
· If the creature is just 5 or less feet under the ground it has cover, and targets have cover against the creature. The creature and its opponents may otherwise interact normally.
· If the burrowing creature has the spring attack feat, it may burrow, emerge, and then burrow again as part of the move-attack-move action. However, this attack and movement always provokes attacks of opportunity.
· Burrowing creatures cannot normally travel through solid rock.
· Burrowing creatures may or may not leave tunnels as they see fit, or as deemed by your monster design.
· Any tunnels are equal to burrowing creature’s size, and typically last 24 hours before collapsing.
Camouflage (Ex)
Prerequisite: Chameleon and Salamander based Mutanimal
Benefit: your body blends into the background.
· The creature gets a +4 to all Stealth skill checks and Stealth is always considered a class skill for that creature (thus additional bonus may be granted to the skill check); this well be calculated into the creature’s skills.
· It may attempt Stealth skill checks even if no concealment or cover is available, or is being observed in the open. Make a Stealth check vs. all on lookers Perception check as a move action; if any one creature sees it, the stealth fails.
Echo-location (Ex)
Prerequisite: Blindsense, Aquatic Mammal, Bat and Elephant based Mutanimals
Benefit: The character can use either really high pitched or low pitched sound to probe the contents of containers, such as boxes, barrels and what’s behind doors.
· This does not eliminate the need for search checks. Rather all it does it allow the possibility to check before you open said item.
· It allows a prediction of a number of objects (such as how many jelly beans are in a jar), their rough shape and whether they are moving or not.
· If used against sentience, they are allowed a perception check to detect the action, but the character gets a +2 to stealth checks.
· It also gives a +2 search bonus to check for traps.
Regeneration (Ex)
Prerequisites: Amphibian or Reptile base Mutanimal, 4 talents taken from savage or snake.
Benefit 1: When you would naturally heal at the start of the day, you recover additional hit points equal to half your
constitution score (rounded up). This can only be applied if you are currently not suffering from starvation or thirst.
Benefit 2: If you lose a limb, other than your head, it will grow back in a week. It requires one week for each limb
to grow back separately, thus if you lose an arm and leg, it will take two weeks total to regrow both.
Voice Mimicry (Ex)
Prerequisite: Crow, Thrush or Primate Based Mutanimal
Benefit: You are really good at imitating other voices. You get a flat +3 racial bonus to bluff when attempting to imitate other creatures.
Quad-Legs Talent Tree
You must have the Quad-Legs locomotion to gain these talents
Gallop (Ex)
You can now run like a horse. While completely inhuman looking, it is quite graceful to watch.
Prerequisites: Quad-legs locomotion
· Benefit 1: You gain the feats of Endurance (save tree), and Run from the DRev Player’s Guide.
· Benefit 2: You gain a+2 bonus to charge attack and damage rolls, as long as you charge at least 20 feet.
Saddle Integration (Ex)
Much like a horse, you can now carry allies on your back, acting a substitute mount.
Prerequisites: Gallop
Benefit: 1: You may carry an ally on your back as if you were a mount. The ally counts towards your carrying
capacity. If the GM does not wish to specifically calculate how much weight you can carry for this benefit, they
may declare you can easily carry an ally equal or less than your size, and has no more than medium encumbrance.
Benefit: 2: If it would make sense, the ally riding you may use Mounted combat feats or talents. You are in control
of all movement, so your ally does not need Riding skill checks to spur you on or the like.
Note: For example, if your ally has the Mounted Combat feat they may use its effect to negate an attack that would
hit you as the mount (see DRev Player’s Guide for detailed mounted combat feats and rules).
Mutant Animals of Note
Suggested Mutate Modifications: +2 Con (highest ability), -2 Wis (lowest ability). -2 to Reflex saves. -3 to Diplomacy skills.
Suggested Race: Human or Half Elf
Suggested Class/Path: Adventurer/Prowler
Suggested Talent Trees: Fleet, Natural Weapon, Underwater
Description: Down in the swamps of the lower U.S. are crocodile-humanoids. I guarantee it will make your enemies’ life miserable.
Special: Can take a feat or talent to take the following: Aqua Vision: Low Light vision above water and underwater. The character does not suffer any special penalties for vision or other senses for simply being underwater (though concealment and darkness still apply).
Options: Roll on the following to figure out the specific animal used in the mutation.
1. American Alligator
2. American Crocodile
3. Black Caiman
4. Broad-Snouted Caiman
5. Dwarf Caiman
6. Spectacled Caiman
Amphibinate – Froginate
The Froggies (see Rifts Book of Adventure) represent any frog mutants pretty well. Just slap the mutate template on it and see what comes out.
1 Bull Frog (Green Froggie)
2 Common Toad (Yellow Froggie)
3 Tree Frog (Red Froggie)
Amphibinate - Salamandate
Suggested Mutate Modifications: +2 Dex (highest ability), -2 Con (lowest ability). -2 to Will saves. -3 to Tinkering skills.
Suggested Race: Human
Suggested Class/Path: Adventurer/Prowler
Suggested Talent Trees: Snake, Savage
Description: You are a soft quadruped salamander humanoid that wriggles into and out of trouble.
Options: Roll on the following to figure out the specific animal used in the mutation.
1. Dusky Salamander
2. Giant Salamander
3. Newt (Black-Spotted, Eastern, Striped)
4. Slender Salamander
5. Slimy Salamander
6. Spring Salamander
7. Spotted Salamander
8. Waterdog
Suggested Mutate Modifications: +2 Con (highest), -2 Wis (lowest). -2 to Ref Saves. -3 to Athletics skills.
Suggested Race: Dwarf or Half Orc
Suggested Class/Path: Combatant/Soldier
Suggested Talent Trees: Natural Armor
Description: You are an Armadillo-humanoid hybrid. They have a tendency to be defensive and skittish in particular around automobiles.
Aviate-Carnivore (Flying)
Suggested Mutate Modifications: +2 Dex (highest), -2 Con (lowest); -2 to Fort saves. -3 to Use Vehicle
Suggested Race: Human
Suggested Class/Path: Adventurer/Prowler, Combatant/Gunboy/Gal is also common.
Suggested Talent Trees: Flight, Natural Weapons, Vision. Buzzards and Vultures should take from the Savage talent trees.
Description: You are a bird of prey-humanoid hybrid. You have a tendency to see your targets at a distance
Options: Roll on the following to figure out the specific animal used in the mutation.
1. Buzzard
2. Condor
3. Eagle
4. Hawk
5. Heron
6. Osprey
7. Owl
8. Vulture
Suggested Mutate Modifications: +2 Con (highest), -2 Int (lowest); -2 to Ref saves, -3 to Riding skill
Suggested Race: Human
Suggested Class/Path: Combatant/Brute
Suggested Talent Trees: Growth, Natural Weapons, Savage, Vision
Description: You are a flightless bird that usually compensates for a lack of flight with aggression.
Options: Roll on the following to figure out the specific animal used in the mutation.
1. Cassowary
2. Chicken
3. Emu
4. Grouse
5. Moa
6. Penguin (Special, if you take the thick hair talent, it represents adapted to cold weather)
7. Pheasant
8. Road Runner
9. Ostrich
10. Quail
Aviate-Herbivore or Omnivore
Suggested Mutate Modifications: +2 Dex (highest), -2 Str (lowest); -2 to Fort saves; -3 to one knowledge of choice.
Suggested Race: Halfling
Suggested Class/Path: Adventurer/Prowler
Suggested Talent Trees: Flight, Vision
Description: This represents the smaller birds as well as scavengers
Options: Roll on the following to figure out the specific animal used in the mutation.
1. Blue Jay
2. Budgie
3. Cardinal
4. Chickadee
5. Crow/Raven (instead of +2 Dex, an alternative is +2 Int (should be taken as highest))
6. Duck (Aquatic Talent Tree is suggested as well)
7. Finch
8. Goose (Aquatic Talent Tree is suggested as well)
9. Hummingbird (Can take Shrinking Talent Tree)
10. Partridge
11. Pigeon
12. Puffin
13. Robin
14. Seagull
15. Shorebird
16. Sparrow
17. Swallow
18. Swan (Aquatic Talent Tree is suggested as well)
19. Thrush
20. Woodpecker
Suggested Mutate Modifications: +2 Con (highest), -2 Wis (lowest); -2 to Will saves; -3 to Sabotage skill
Suggested Race: Human or Half Orc
Suggested Class/Path: Combatant/Soldier
Suggested Talent Trees: Savage (Scent in particular), Savvy, Stout
Description: Canine-humanoid hybrids work well together and with others. They usually take offense to “doggy talk.”
Options: Roll on the following to figure out the specific animal used in the mutation.
1. Beagle
2. Bloodhound
3. Boxer
4. Bulldog
5. Cocker Spaniel
6. Coonhound
7. Coyote
8. Dashound
9. Fox
10. Dingo
11. English or Irish Setters
12. German Shepard
13. Greyhound
14. Retriever (Golden or Newfoundland)
15. Rotweiler
16. Mutt
17. Pitt bull
18. Terrier
19. Wolf
20. Wolfhound
Suggested Mutate Modifications: +2 Con (highest), -2 Int (should be taken as lowest); -2 to Ref saves; -3 to Appraise skill.
Suggested Race: Human or Dwarf
Suggested Class/Path: Adventurer/Scout
Suggested Talent Trees: Savage (cast iron stomach), Vision
Description: You are a sheep or goat person that has this talent of getting into places that people wouldn’t expect. Some are named Shaun.
Options: Roll on the following to figure out the specific animal used in the mutation.
1. Alpine ibex
2. Ancon sheep
3. American Lamancha Goat
4. Big-horned Sheep
5. Bilberry Goat
6. California Red (sheep)
7. Canadian Arcott
8. Columbia Sheep
9. Delaine Merino Sheep
10. Dorset Sheep
11. LaMancha Goat
12. Montadale Sheep
13. Mountain Goat
14. Newfoundland Sheep
15. Nigerian Dwarf Goat
16. Nubian Goat
17. Romeldale Sheep
18. Pygora Goat
19. Savanna Goat
20. Scottish Blackface
Suggested Mutate Modifications: +2 Dex (highest), -2 Str (lowest); -2 to Fort saves; -3 to Athletics skill
Suggested Race: Human or Halfling
Suggested Class/Path: Adventurer/Prowler
Suggested Talent Trees: Flight, Vision
Description: You are the batman. Where other creatures fear the dark, you thrive in it. Tights are optional.
Options: Roll on the following to figure out the specific animal used in the mutation.
1. Bumblebee Bat
2. Disk-Winged Bat
3. Fish-Eating Bat
4. Fruit Bat
5. Little Brown Bat (suggested talents shrinking)
6. Vampire Bat (you may take Devour Blood racial talent (though can only be used with your bite attack gained from this mutation, see talent in Dark Revelations – Book of Magic for details).
Suggested Mutate Modifications: +2 Dex (highest), -2 Int (lowest); -2 to Will saves; -3 to Use Vehicle
Suggested Race: Human or Half Elf
Suggested Class/Path: Adventurer/Scout
Suggested Talent Trees: Growth, Quad-Legs, Savage
Description: You are a horse mutant. Bronies rejoice!
Options: Roll on the following to figure out the specific animal used in the mutation.
1. Andalusian Horse
2. Appaloosa Horse
3. Arabian Horse
4. American Cream
5. Clydesdale Horse
6. Donkey (starts at size small; Replace one of the suggested Talent Trees with Stout)
7. Miniature Horse (starts at size small)
8. Missouri Fox Trotter
9. Morgan Horse
10. Mustang
11. Paint-Horse
12. Pottock Pony (starts at size small)
13. Falabella Pony (starts at size small)
14. Quarter Horse
15. Sandalwood Pony (starts at size small)
16. Shetland Pony(starts at size small)
17. Shire Horse
18. Tennessee Walking Horse
19. Thoroughbred Horse
20. Zebra
Suggested Mutate Modifications: +2 Str (highest), -2 Dex (lowest); -2 to Ref saves; -3 to Stealth skill
Suggested Race: Human or Half Orc
Suggested Class/Path: Combatant/Soldier
Suggested Talent Trees: Growth, Quad-Legs, Natural weapons (replace tail with trunk), Vision
Description: You are literally the elephant-man. There are rumors of an Elephant King in western Africa with a French accent.
Options: Roll on the following to figure out the specific animal used in the mutation.
1. Asian Elephant
2. African Elephant
3. Mastodon
4. Mammoth
Suggested Mutate Modifications: +2 Dex (highest), -2 Cha (lowest); -2 to Fort saves; -3 to Tinkering skill
Suggested Race: Human or Half Elf
Suggested Class/Path: Adventurer/Prowler
Suggested Talent Trees: Natural Weapons, Savvy.
Description: You are a feline/human mutant with an emphasis on ambushing your target. You also like Cheeseburgers.
Options: Roll on the following to figure out the specific animal used in the mutation.
1. Black (special; +2 Wis, -2 Str; Suggested Class/Path: Channeler/Witch)
2. Bobcat
3. Burmese Cat
4. Jaguar
5. Leopard
6. Lion
7. Lynx
8. Main Coon
9. Margay
10. Mountain Lion
11. Norwegian Forest Cat
12. Persian
13. Ragamuffin Cat
14. Savannah Cat
15. Siamese Cat
16. Snowshoe Cat
17. Sphynx Cat
18. Tabby Cat
19. Tiger
20. Tuxedo Cat
Suggested Mutate Modifications: +2 Dex (highest), -2 Int (lowest); -2 to Ref saves; -3 to Diplomacy skill
Suggested Race: Human
Suggested Class/Path: Adventurer/Scout
Suggested Talent Trees: Fleet, Savage, Savvy
Description: You are the lizard mutate that your mother warned you about
Options: Roll on the following to figure out the specific animal used in the mutation.
1. Arboreal Lizards
2. Chameleon
3. Gecko
4. Helmet Lizards
5. Komodo (Give Growth Talent Tree)
6. Iguanas
7. Skink
8. Spiny Lizards
Suggested Mutate Modifications: +2 Dex (highest), -2 Con (lowest); -2 to Will saves; -3 to Manipulation skill
Suggested Race: Halfling
Suggested Class/Path: Adventurer/Scout
Suggested Talent Trees: Fleet, Savvy
Description: You are a rabbit-humanoid defending your burrow. So hop to it!
Special: Can take the following as a feat or talent: Hopping: You can “take 10” on Athletics (Jumping only) checks after knowing the results of your initial check, even a failed checked (except rolling a critical failure-natural 1)
Options: Roll on the following to figure out the specific animal used in the mutation.
1. American Pika
2. Appalachian Cottontail
3. Arctic Hare
4. Black-tailed Jackrabbit
5. Eastern Cottontail
6. Marsh Rabbit
7. New England Cottontail
8. Snowshoe Hare
9. Swamp Rabbit
10. White-tailed Jackrabbit
Suggested Mutate Modifications: +2 Con (highest), -2 Wis (lowest); -2 to Fort saves; -3 to Riding skill
Suggested Race: Human or Halfling
Suggested Class/Path: Combatant/Soldier
Suggested Talent Trees: Fleet, Savvy,
Description: You are a kangaroo humanoid that can get hopping mad.
Special: Can take the following as a feat or talent: Hopping: You can “take 10” on Athletics (Jumping only) checks after knowing the results of your initial check, even a failed checked (except rolling a critical failure-natural 1)
Options: Roll on the following to figure out the specific animal used in the mutation.
1. Kangeroo
2. Pademelon
3. Rock-Wallaby
4. Tree Kangaroo
Suggested Mutate Modifications:
Dolphins, Otter and Porpoises: +2 Dex (highest); -2 Con (lowest); -2 to Fort saves; -3 to Manipulation skill
Hippopotamus, Manatees, Orca, Sea Lions, Walrus and Whales: +2 Str (highest), -2 Dex (lowest); -2 to Ref saves;
-3 Riding.
Suggested Race: Human or Elf
Suggested Class/Path: Psychic/Psycho-Warrior (See Book of Arrogance)
Suggested Talent Trees: Aquatic, Growth, Stout, Vision
Description: You are one of many aquatic mammals that have decided to abandon the sea for land, most of the time. .
Special: Can take the following as a feat or talent: Hopping: You can “take 10” on Athletics (Swimming only) checks after knowing the results of your initial check, even a failed checked (except rolling a critical failure-natural 1).
Options: Roll on the following to figure out the specific animal used in the mutation.
1. Dolphin (Replace Stout with Fleet)
2. Hippopotamus
3. Manatee
4. Orca
5. Otter
6. Porpoise (Replace Stout with Fleet)
7. Sea Lion
8. Seals
9. Walrus
10. Whale
Suggested Mutate Modifications: +2 Con (highest), -2 Cha (lowest); -2 to Will saves; -3 to Diplomacy skill
Suggested Race: Human, Halfling or Dwarf
Suggested Class/Path: Adventurer/Scout for Ferret, Marten, Mink, and Skunk. Combatant/Brute for Badger, Tasmanian Devil, and Wolverine.
Suggested Talent Trees: Savage, Stout
Description: You are a tough weasel like humanoid that may or may not be distracted by shiny objects.
Options: Roll on the following to figure out the specific animal used in the mutation.
1. Badger
2. Ferret
3. Marten
4. Mink
5. Skunk
6. Tazmanian Devil
7. Weasel
8. Wolverine
Suggested Mutate Modifications:: Arrange to taste using the Mutate Template; they can be quite weird
Suggested Race: Human
Suggested Class/Path: Adventurer/Prowler
Suggested Talent Trees: Aquatic, Fleet, Savage, Venom
Description: There is only one Duck Billed Platypus and you emulate it, in humanoid form.
Special: Can take the following as a feat or talent: Swimming: You can “take 10” on Athletics (Swimming only) checks after knowing the results of your initial check, even a failed checked (except rolling a critical failure-natural
Suggested Mutate Modifications: +2 Int (highest), -2 Wis (lowest); -2 to Fort saves; -3 to a knowledge skill of choice.
Suggested Race: Human
Suggested Class/Path: Adventurer/Troubleshooter
Suggested Talent Trees: Fleet, Growth, Savage, Savvy
Description: You are the monkey’s uncle and have the face to prove it.
1. Baboon
2. Capuchin
3. Chimpanzee
4. Gibbon
5. Gorilla
6. Macaque
7. Mandrill
8. Orangutan
9. Spider Monkey
10. Squirrel Monkey
Suggested Mutate Modifications: +2 Int (highest), -2 Cha (lowest); -2 to Will saves; -3 to Treat Injury
Suggested Race: Human or Dwarf
Suggested Class/Path: Combatant/Brute
Suggested Talent Trees: Natural Weapons, Stout
Description: You are most likely a big fat pig-man. However, you are smart enough to play the game well. You may be into cosplay.
Options: Roll on the following to figure out the specific animal used in the mutation.
1. Aardvark
2. Chester White
3. Hampshire
4. Landrace
5. Large Black
6. Mulefoot
7. Pot Bellied Pig
8. Tamworth
9. Tapir
10. Wild Boar
Suggested Mutate Modifications: +2 Int (highest), -2 Wis (lowest); -2 to Fort Saves; -3 to a knowledge skill of choice.
Suggested Race: Human or Half-Elf
Suggested Class/Path: Adventurer/Troubleshooter
Suggested Talent Trees: Savvy
Description: You are a raccoon humanoid whose tired of their name being used a racial slur.
Options: Roll on the following to figure out the specific animal used in the mutation.
1. Coati
2. Kinkajou
3. Raccoon
Suggested Mutate Modifications: +2 Str (highest), -2 Int (lowest); -2 to Ref saves; -3 to Diplomacy checks
Suggested Race: Human or Half Orc
Suggested Class/Path: Combatant/Brute
Suggested Talent Trees: Growing, Natural Weapons, Natural Armor
Description: you are a Rhino Man with a big horn for goring. A common obsession is comic books.
Options: Roll on the following to figure out the specific animal used in the mutation.
1. Black Rhinoceros
2. Indian Rhinoceros
3. White Rhinoceros
4. Javan Rhinoceros
5. Sumatran Rhinoceros
6. Woolly Rhinoceros
Suggested Mutate Modifications: +2 Dex (highest), -2 Str (lowest); -2 to Will saves; -3 to Manipulation skill
Suggested Race: Halfling or Beaverfolk from the DRev blog.
Suggested Class/Path: Adventurer/Prowler for most
Suggested Talent Trees: Fleet, Shrinking, Savvy
Description: You are a rodent. Rats are survivors that can crawl into just about anywhere. You may or may not like cheese.
Options: Roll on the following to figure out the specific animal used in the mutation.
1. Bandicoot
2. Beaver
3. Coypu – Replace shrinking with the growing talent tree and reverse attribute modifications (+2 Str (should be taken as highest), -2 Dex (should be taken as lowest))
4. Gerbil
5. Guinea Pig
6. Hamster
7. Hedgehog – replace Savvy with Natural Armor
8. Kangaroo Rat
9. Marsupial Mole
10. Mole
11. Mouse
12. Mulgara
13. Muskrat
14. Paca
15. Pack Rat
16. Porcupine – replace Savvy with Natural Armor
17. Prairie Dog
18. Rat
19. Rat Kangaroo
20. Water Vole
Serpenate (Constrictor)
Suggested Mutate Modifications: +2 Str (highest), -2 Int (lowest); -2 to Fort saves; -3 to Sabotage skill
Suggested Race: Human; Alternatively, you can just add a mutate template for Snake People from the DRev blog.
Suggested Class/Path: Combatant/Brute
Suggested Talent Trees: Growth, Savage, Snake
Description: You are a bruiser of a snake-humanoid. You hug because you care (and are hungry)
Options: Roll on the following to figure out the specific animal used in the mutation.
1. Anaconda
2. Ball Python
3. Blood Python
4. Boa Constrictor
5. Carpet Python
6. Emerald Tree Boa
7. Garden Tree Boa
8. Mexican Burrowing Snake
9. Rainbow Boa
10. Sand Boa
Serpenate (Venomous)
Suggested Mutate Modifications: +2 Dex (highest), -2 Int (lowest); -2 to Fort saves; -3 to Sabotage skill
Suggested Race: Human; alternatively, you can just add a mutate template to Snake People from the DRev blog.
Suggested Class/Path: Combatant/Brute
Suggested Talent Trees: Snake, Venom
Description: You like warm rocks, easy listening and paralyzing your lunch before eating it.
Options: Roll on the following to figure out the specific animal used in the mutation.
1. Black Mamba
2. Copperhead
3. Cottonmouth
4. Cobra
5. Coral Snake
6. Death Adder
7. Rattlesnake
8. Taipan
9. Tiger Snake
10. Viper
Suggested Mutate Modifications: +2 Con (highest), -2 Dex (lowest); -2 to Reflex saves; -3 to Acrobatics skill
Suggested Race: Human or Dwarf
Suggested Class/Path: Adventurer/Prowler
Suggested Talent Trees: Natural Armor, Natural Weapons
Description: This is a turtle-humanoid that can take a licking and keep on kicking.
Options: Roll on the following to figure out the specific animal used in the mutation.
1. Box Turtle (Eastern, Florida or Ornate)
2. Cooter (Red-Bellied, River, or Texas)
3. Map Turtle (Pearl River, Ringed or yellow blotched)
4. Pond Turtle (Bog, Spotted, Wood, or Western)
5. Sea Turtle (Green Sea, Loggerhead or Olive Riddley)
6. Slider (Mexican Plateau or Pond)
7. Snapping turtle (Alligator or Normal)
8. Tortoises (Gopher, Texas, or Desert)
Suggested Mutate Modifications: +2 Con (highest), -2 Int (lowest); -2 to Will saves; -3 to Riding skill
Suggested Race: Human or Minotaur from the DRev Book of Arrogance
Suggested Class/Path: Combatant/Brute
Suggested Talent Trees: Growth, Savvy, Stout
Description: You’re a big bruiser of a beast. While normally mild mannered, when angered, your action involves a lot of charging.
Options: Roll on the following to figure out the specific animal used in the mutation.
1. Buffalo
2. Camel
3. Caribou
4. Cattle (can replace with Minotaur with mutate template instead)
5. Deer (Mule or White Tailed)
6. Elk
7. Pronghorn
8. Moose
Suggested Mutate Modifications: +2 Str (highest), -2 Cha (lowest); -2 to Ref saves; -3 to Diplomacy skill.
Suggested Race: Dwarf, Half Orc or Little Bears from DRev Blog
Suggested Class/Path: Combatant/Brute
Suggested Talent Trees: Growth, Natural Armor
Description: You are large and imposing, but in general just want to eat stuff and be left alone.
Options: Roll on the following to figure out the specific animal used in the mutation.
1. Black
2. Brown
3. Grizzly
4. Kodiak
5. Polar
6. Short Faced
Hot Spots of Mutanimals.
While Mutanimals can appear just about anywhere, there are a few locations where they are more common than others:
1. Beast Lands: The Five Beast Clans of southern Mexico are known as such because they are overwhelmingly Mutanimals and the largest concentration on the continent. These clans are constantly vying for a spot for the Bone Trials: a brutal battle royale meant to demonstrate cunning, strength, and survivability
2. Cannibal Coast: Lots of Mutants live on the island chains along the western continent with an emphasis on Blackfish (Orca), Frog, Eagle and Raven Mutanimals.
3. Denver: This town in the Drejlands has become a multiracial shanty town where races of all sorts try to live their lives. Law enforcement is enforced by bounty hunter organizations. Mutanimals abound with Caninates and Felinates being the most common. In fact most “turf wars” are started by these mutanimal communities.
4. Oklahoma: The various mutant clans of Oklahoma are often organized by an animal theme. One noteworthy gang is known as “The Screaming Badgers”, a gang completely composed of mustelid based Mutanimals.
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#drevrpg #d20 #apocalypse #races