Saturday, February 24, 2024

Hodgepocalypse - Latin America - Part 9 - Stomp Point




In the highlands of the Andes is a most unusual settlement: a community of Trollitariots.  This brutish fey are obsessed with work and it shows.  In 10 short years they have built up their settlement to something spectacular annoying their neighbors to no end.  Their actions range from farming, trading and raider depending on their supplies and their needs.


Note: The following is not indicative of any local cultures.  More like the Trollitariots have taken what works and made it their own.


There are two clans:  The Come Dedos (Finger Eaters) clan and the Mordedora de Rodilla (Knee Biter) clan.  These often wear a picture of a hand or foot on their attires. These intermarry with each other.  Families are matrilineal where the men lose their clan and are accepted into the new one when they marry,


They are not very tech orientated, but unnecessary as they are strong and good at raising stuff, as well as their natural talents


Settlement Features


Agriculture Terraces:  These renewable garden beds are the main way they generate food.  They are filled with drainage materials and topped with organic material that is replaced as it loses nutrients.  What is usually grown is the humble Potato which the Trollitariots have plundered from their neighbors and now has many different species that they switch based on weather patterns.  Other crops include Beans, Peruvian Parsnips, and a variety of Maize.  They use both agriculture techniques and magic to ensure their crops grow strong.

Animal Husbandry:  With dinosaurs replacing most native species, the Trollitariots had to improvise like everybody else.  They are most well known for their Pterosaurs for flying around, but they have also domesticated a sturdy Pachycephalosaurus for traveling on the dangerous Andes mountain roads.   They have raised small Ornitholestes that are treated not unlike chickens.  Guinea Pigs are one of the only non-dinosaur creatures raised as they are a great source of meat, relative to plant consumption.


Caves:  The Trollitariots like digging and have dug out part of the rock on the side of the mountain to setup a series of caves for safety purposes when things get rough.  It also provides a connection to the Hallowed World.


Cubes:  Most of the upper settlement’s buildings are cube shaped and are composed of bricks.  They are cheap, easy to maintain and incredibly modular because of it.


Defensive Walls:  The Town has a pair of clearly defensive walls that have about 5 feet between the two.  This acts as a murder zone if they are ever attacked by anything that doesn’t use modern weapons.  It also acts as check points to reduce traffic of any local dangers.  These walls are also designed with a bit of give to avoid toppling over during earthquakes.


Marked with an X:  The town is shaped like an X with two main roads, with several secondary paths that feed off it.  It ensures easy access within the Settlement to the Summer and Winter Solstice for ritual purposes.


Mountain Town: It is built on the side of a mountain.  It is one part to divert any mountain streams from the upper parts of any runoff so they can capitalize for farming and local consumption.  This is also why they have setup several “deadfalls” filled with rocks which are dropped down against any invaders, both causing harm and making it much more difficult for any opponent to invade.


Roads:  Despite their distance and general wariness of strangers, they took it upon themselves to tie a road from their settlement to the main road system in the Andes.  It is mainly to facilitate trade and show everybody else how it is done.  They are smooth rock and chipped into the mountain and often include steps and switchbacks to make it easy on beasts of burden.


Locations of Note


1. Garbage Point

This is simply a dumping area where the Trollitariots throw their trash into the valley below. 

2. Pterosaur Pens

Trollitariots prize their Pterosaurs.  They allow fast transport and communication anywhere within the continent within days and make it easy to raid just about anywhere.  They are owned communally, but you must sign out for one and are personally responsible for compensating, Kaijin the keeper.  It is pointed at their family if the individual doesn’t come back for whatever reason.


These series of hitching posts include a good-sized brick cubed barn to bring them in out of the weather as needed.

3. Pachycephalosaurus Pens

These are kept close to the entrance of the village for ease of access.  They are also noisy so by putting them near the gate they will act as an early detection system.

4. Radio Station

This single-story brick building is the home of the local radio station.  It transmits local events and often plays music “acquired” from trade or raids.  Its current DJ is Hakalai, whom has recently gone on a Jazz Kick.  She considers herself an artist that would one day like to go to the big city but has stayed behind due to family obligations.

5. Shaman’s House

This huge tent is made from the bones of a Sauropod and stretch over with its hide.  Inside are a series of glass jars along one wall filled with all sorts of components.  Rakash the shaman is often smoking something that comes out purple deep in meditative thought.

6. The Glittering Grumps House: 

This large stone cube is the glittering grump house.  This is a warrior society where Trollitariots are trained into their own fey like abilities.

7. Finger Eater’s Main Complex

This is the main living house of the Finger Biter Trollitariots.  This honeycomb structure is a series of small homes that interconnect with each other.  They are currently in charge of Stomp Point.

8. Knee Biter Main Lodge

Very similar to the Finger Eater Complex, in order to compensate by being the guardians of the caves to the Hallowed World.   

9. Mountain Spring

This is the main source of water for the community.

10. Winter Solstice Point

This is ceremonial location for the winter solstice.

11. Summer Solstice Point

This is ceremonial location for the summer solstice.

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